
Good Night Out recognizes that significant gaps exist around the pervasiveness harassment and assault that targets women and marginalized genders and sexualities. This is especially true at the local level.

To help our stakeholders, government, researchers, journalists, funders, and the greater community contextualize these issues and better understand Good Night Out’s role in them, we have made our reports, survey findings and street team data public. We ask that if you reference or use this material in anyway, you credit and direct people back to our site (and feel free to let us know what you are working on!).


The Street Team does record data about who the Team engages with, when and under what circumstances. This data is useful in gaining insight into what services the GNO Street Teams typically provide and what our patrol areas are like after dark.

No demographic information is asked of the people that the Team interacted with, other than a note made about gender presentation. While we acknowledge we rely on traditional assumptions within a gender binary, such data is useful in determining if the Team is meeting the objective of supporting the safety of more vulnerable people in the public realm.

Granville Street Team

2018-2022 Vancouver Data

Victoria Street Team

Learn more about the Victoria Street Team pilot here

Every year, Good Night Out Vancouver hosts a public survey to gauge the public’s perception of safety in the Granville Entertainment District and the reach of our services. In 2022, we began gathering data for Victoria.

Note: these reports do include descriptions of sexualized violence.

Click to download the survey report

Click to download the survey report


Creating Safer, Protective Spaces: Perceptions and experiences of safety in Victoria nightlife and hospitality establishments.

From November 2022 to February 2023, Good Night Out gathered information on community perceptions and experiences of safety within hospitality and nightlife spaces in Victoria, British Columbia to learn how to increase safety for patrons and workers.

As GNO is a non-profit committed to building community capacity to prevent and respond to sexual violence in the aforementioned sectors, we sought to gather information on self-reported experiences of harassment and sexual violence in addition to insights on patrons’ general sense of belonging, self-expression, and physical and psychological safety within these spaces.

Download the Policy Paper


GNO Festival Sexual Violence Prevention Review

Good Night Out Vancouver reviewed the websites of 30 large North American electronic music festivals looking for easily accessible information about sexual harassment and sexual assault prevention.

Good Night Out Vancouver Society Annual Reports

coming soon